
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Meiji Papaya Flavored Milk

meiji papaya unique flavored milk
I hate papaya and yet still buying papaya flavored milk out of curiosity. Probably because here in Indonesia we barely have ANYthing papaya flavored, so i automaticly pick out papaya instead of the choco or melon flavored one.

The thought of, "let's try it, but don't expect too much from it!" turns into "well, it's okay. I think i can finish it." The milk itself tastes creamy with a light hint of papaya without that slimy feeling you get when you eat the real one. I wonder why I can put it in my mouth and digest it. Tried to read the label, but failed because it's in Thai's. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wall's Lime Flavored Ice Cream

Lime flavored ice cream
Last month I visited Phuket and had a week full of fantastic meals and snacks, thus forgot to take pictures of every food I ate. In the end, I only got 3 or 4 shaky food pics, so I need the superpower of The Great Adobe Photoshop.  When I travel, the obligatory things to do is visiting the market. That means traditional market, the supermarket and also the convenience store.

When I took a glance at the convenience store freezer, this ice cream caught my attention. Lime! Like it shows in the package (Or is it not? I'm not sure with the writing, but I think it's lime). Well, anyway it tastes weird for me. I can't even taste the strong tanginess and the freshness of the lime. I spent a long time to find the exact word for this. I can taste a tiny lime-like zest at first, but after the second and third and so on, I'm confused of what am I actually eat. Give it a try, it's fun!